Prizes up to $599
- New York Lottery Office Near Me
- California Lottery Office Locations Near Me
- Massachusetts State Lottery Locations |
- Lottery Office Near Me In Michigan
- California Lottery Office Near Me
In Person

Mail your signed winning ticket to Colorado Lottery, PO BOX 7, Pueblo, CO 81002. Please allow one week for processing, and a check will be mailed to you. Colorado Lottery prizes can be claimed in Lottery Claims offices Fort Collins, Grand Junction and Pueblo between 8 am and 4:45 pm on weekdays. Where to claim lottery prizes in California. If you are lucky enough to win a CA lottery prize of $600 or more then you will need to visit any of the nine lottery district offices listed below to claim your prize. Alternatively, you can fill in the claim form below and mail it to the lottery office is Sacramento. The Lottery Office is not affiliated with the operators of the overseas lotteries from which it purchases matching tickets. Please see ts and cs for more information. All prize amounts are quoted in AUD and rounded to the nearest integer for visual purposes.
- At any Wisconsin Lottery retailer. Retailers may redeem tickets up to $599 or the amount that is allowed by the retailer's normal cashing practices.
- Madison Lottery office. By appointment only. Walk-in claims are not allowed. Note: The Milwaukee Validations Office is not processing Lottery claims at this time.
- Call (608) 261-4916 to make an appointment.
Or Mail to
- Prizes
PO Box 777
Madison, WI 53774
Send the signed ticket and a completed claim form to the above address. Using certified or registered mail is suggested. Retain a personal copy of both sides of the ticket and claim form.
Prizes $600 to $199,999
In Person
New York Lottery Office Near Me
- Madison Lottery office. By appointment only. Walk-in claims are not allowed. Note: The Milwaukee Validations Office is not processing Lottery claims at this time.
- Call (608) 261-4916 to make an appointment.

California Lottery Office Locations Near Me
Or Mail to
- Prizes
PO Box 777
Madison, WI 53774
Send the signed ticket and a completed claim form to the above address. Using certified or registered mail is suggested. Retain a personal copy of both sides of the ticket and claim form.
Massachusetts State Lottery Locations |
Prizes $200,000+

Lottery Office Near Me In Michigan
In Person
California Lottery Office Near Me
- Madison Lottery office. By appointment only. Walk-in claims are not allowed.
- Call (608) 261-4916 to make an appointment.